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It is our belief, that there should be a higher standard to which all teachers working with young children should abide by. Children should have access to experiences which promote all domains of development. We believe that curriculum should focus on play and be inclusive, as well as be developmentally and culturally appropriate. Experiences should be driven by children’s interests, and promote diversity, ensuring all children feel a sense of belonging in our current society. We also believe it is important to build strong relationships with parents and our local communities. As teachers, it is our responsibility to provide parents with the resources they need to help their child succeed. Encouraging parents and people from our community to be a part of children’s learning builds a stronger community and provides children with a more comfortable learning environment. All children deserve to have meaningful experiences and be given the tools they need to thrive.    

Dramatic Play​​
Children will express their imagination through experiences, which will promote each child's own unique creative styles.  
Arts & Creativity​​

Children will use their hands to manipulate a wide variety of open-ended materials, which are based on their interests.

Music & Movement​ 

Children will be exposed to a variety of culturally diverse music which will promote acceptance of all cultures in our society. This will also allow children to sing and dance along.

Building Blocks

Children will recall structures from what they have seen and build them based on their visual memory.

Language & Literacy​ 

Children will enhance their language and literacy skills through by exposing them to new words through peer interaction.

Self-Help Skills​ 

Children will practice self-help skills throughout the day based on their own capabilities to promote independence.

Explore & Discover​ 

Children will learn about the natural environment through the exposure of outdoor play and meaningful experiences associated with science.


Children will enjoy a variety of developmentally appropriate books. Our library is constantly growing to include a wide selection of culturally diverse books.

Social Interaction​ 

Children will form meaningful bonds with their peers and their teachers, and find a sense of belonging in our inclusive environment.

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Advisor & co.

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Facility Location

637 Calero Avenue

San Jose, CA 95123 


Tel: 669-234-3903

Tel: 408-417-7752

Fax: 669-234-3974  


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